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KSEEB 5th ENGLISH Poetry -8 My Land



CLASS - 5 

PART - 2 

Unit - 8:

Poetry - My Land

                                  BY THOMAS DAVIS:

 Summary of the Poem:

The poem *My Land* by Thomas Davis celebrates the poet’s deep love and admiration for his native land. He describes the land as rich, rare, and fair, and praises its people for their bravery and unwavering hearts. Davis expresses his willingness to sacrifice his life for the land, considering such an act as divine. The land is portrayed as warm, bold, true, and dear, reflecting the poet's strong patriotic feelings.


About the Poet:

Thomas Davis was an Irish writer and nationalist, well known for his contributions to literature and for promoting Irish identity and culture. His works often revolve around themes of patriotism, love for the land, and the courage of its people. He is best remembered for inspiring Irish pride and unity through his powerful words.



- Rare: Uncommon, exceptional

- Fair: Beautiful, attractive

- Waver: Hesitate, be unsure

- Native land: The country or land of one’s birth

- Lot: One's fortune or fate

- Divine: God-like, heavenly

- Bold: Courageous, fearless


 Comprehension Questions:

C1. Answer the following questions:

1. How is the native land described? 

Ans. -    The native land is described as rich, rare, fresh, and fair.


2. How are the men and women of this land? 

Ans. -   The men are brave, and the women’s hearts never hesitate or waver.


3. Write a short paragraph of five sentences on India - My Motherland. 

Ans. -    India is my motherland, a country full of rich history and diverse culture. Its people are brave and united, always standing strong in the face of challenges. The beauty of India's landscapes, from its mountains to its rivers, fills my heart with pride. Our traditions and values are a testament to our deep-rooted history. I am proud to be a part of this great nation.



A1. Write the opposites of the following words:

1. Dull X Bright 

2. Brave X Cowardly 

3. Warm X Cold 

4. Fearful X Fearless 

5. Plenty X Scarcity


 List of Opposite Words:

1. Rare X Common 

2. Fair X Unattractive 

3. Brave X Cowardly 

4. Bold X Timid 

5. Warm X Cold 

6. Divine X Mortal 

7. Fresh X Stale

 List of Rhyming Words:

1. Land – Hand 

2. Rare – Fair 

3. Brave – Save 

4. Cold – Bold 

5. Divine – Mine 


 Extra One-Mark Questions with Answers for Practice:

1. Who is the poet of the poem "My Land"? 

 Ans. - Thomas Davis.


2. How does the poet describe the native land? 

Ans. -   He describes it as rich, rare, fresh, and fair.


3. What would the poet do to save his land? 

Ans. -   The poet says he would freely die to save it.


4. How are the women’s hearts in this land? 

Ans. -  The women’s hearts never waver.


5. What kind of land is described in the poem? 

 Ans. - It is a warm, bold, true, and old land.


6. What does the word "divine" mean in the poem? 

Ans. -  It means god-like or heavenly.


7. What is the native land called in the poem? 

Ans. -  The native land is called rare, fair, and dear.


8. What does the poet think of his fortune (lot)? 

Ans. -  The poet thinks his lot is divine.


9. How does the poet feel about the land’s men and women? 

Ans. -  The poet feels they are brave and their hearts never hesitate.

10. What is the recurring theme of the poem? 

Ans. -  The theme of love and devotion to the native land.

KSEEB 5th ENGLISH Prose -8 Children of Courage Bravery Awards

                              KARNATAKA TEXTBOOK SOCIETY 


CLASS - 5 

PART - 2 

Unit - 8:

Prose - Children of Courage

Bravery Awards


The lesson "Children of Courage" is about children who have shown remarkable bravery and received the National Bravery Awards in India. These awards are given to children under the age of 16 who display exceptional courage in difficult situations. The awards were first established in 1957, inspired by a brave act of a young scout, Harish Chandra, who saved lives during a fire at Ramlila grounds in Delhi. Every year, children are honored with medals, certificates, and cash rewards for their brave deeds. Some of these brave children have saved lives, helped prevent accidents, or assisted in catching criminals. The story shares examples of these courageous young awardees, including twins who saved a baby, a balloon seller who helped the police, and many others who risked their lives to help others.



- Shamiana: A decorated tent used for events.

- Initiate: To start something.

- Recipient: A person who receives something.

- Eve: The evening or the day before an event.

- Valour: Great bravery.

- Atop: On top of something.

- Confer: To give or bestow an award.

- Averted: Prevented or avoided.

- Stampede: A sudden rush of people or animals, usually caused by fear.

- Salute: To show respect or honor for someone.



V1 Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box.

         ( bravery, courage, unfortunate, ready)

It was unfortunate that Abhi and his friends met with an accident on the way to Nandi Hills.His friend Nitin showed courage in saving them when he pulled Abhi and two others out of the car.Nitin received an award for bravery. He is always ready to help his friends.

V2 Match the following:

1. Gagan and Bhoomika J. Murthy - c. Saved a baby that was caught in the path of two bulls.

2. Moonis Khan - a. Saved an old man from a train accident.

3. Rahul - e. Identified criminals who had planted bombs.

4. Silver Kharbani - b. Saved the life of her cousin from a fire.

5. Kumari Maibam Prity Devi - d. Used her bare hands to dispose of a live grenade.


V3 Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives choosing the correct word from the brackets.

1. This is an adventurous story. (adventure/adventurous)

2. She is a beautiful girl. (beautiful/beauty)

3. He is a young boy. (young/youth)

4. This is a tall tree. (tall /high)

5. Our teacher is good to us. (better/good)



C1 Answer the following questions:

1. When was the first Bravery Award for children given in India?

Ans. - The first Bravery Award for children in India was given in 1957.

2. Why are the Bravery Awards given?

Ans. - The Bravery Awards are given to acknowledge the extraordinary courage displayed by children in difficult situations.

3. What is the age group that is considered for the Bravery Awards?

Ans. - The Bravery Awards are considered for children below the age of 16.

 4. What do the awardees receive?

Ans. - The awardees receive a medal, a certificate, and cash rewards as a token of appreciation.

C2 Discuss the stories of bravery that you have read.Decide which act impressed you the most and write it down as a note.

- I feel that Kumari Maibam Prity Devi’s action of using her bare hands to dispose of a live grenade was a very brave act.

- The child who did this is Kumari Maibam Prity Devi from Manipur. She was 10 years old when this happened.

- I think it was very brave because she risked her life to save others by disposing of the dangerous grenade.


C3 Identify the adjectives in paragraph number 10:

Ans. - Brave, young, live


Language Exercises

L1 Discuss with your partner why ‘you like to’ or ‘don’t like to’ do the following:


1. Speak before the whole school during the assembly.

1. I don’t like to speak before the whole school during the assembly because it makes me nervous.

2. Take an injection from the doctor when you are ill.

2. I don’t like to take an injection from the doctor when I am ill because it hurts.

3. Stand up and tell your teacher that you have not done your homework.

3. I don’t like to stand up and tell my teacher that I have not done my homework because I feel embarrassed.

4. Tell your parents truthfully that you spent Rs. 25/- they gave for vegetables on buying an ice-cream.

5. Ask a boy in class 5 not to make fun of your friend.

5. I like to ask a boy in class 5 not to make fun of my friend because it’s important to stand up for others.


L2 Underline the nouns:

Indian music is very expressive. It is traditionally taught through oral methods. The system of Indian music is based on two important pillars - rag and talRag is the melodic form while tal is the rhythmic form. The interpretation of the rag and the tal is not the same all over India. Today, there are two major traditions of classical music. There is the north Indian Hindustani sangeet. The other is the south Indian Carnatic music. Both systems are fundamentally similar but differ in performance.



- Child → Children

- Award → Awards

- Life → Lives

- Elephant → Elephants

- Hero → Heroes


 Opposite Words

- Brave × Cowardly

- Begin × End

- Courage × Fear

- Save × Harm

- Top × Bottom




  Extra One-Mark Questions

1. Who started the Bravery Awards? 

   Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru.


2. What was Harish Chandra’s brave act? 

   Answer: He saved lives by cutting the burning shamiana.


3. When are the Bravery Awards announced? 

   Answer: On Children’s Day (November 14).


4. How many children are awarded annually? 

   Answer: About 25 children.


5. What do the awardees receive? 

   Answer: A medal, certificate, and cash.


6. Who saved a baby from bulls in Bengaluru? 

   Answer: Gagan and Bhoomika J. Murthy.


7. Who used their hands to dispose of a grenade? 

   Answer: Kumari Maibam Prity Devi.


8. What is the Republic Day event for awardees? 

   Answer: They ride atop decorated elephants in the parade.

9. Who fought off a leopard to save his sister? 

   Answer: Priyanshu Joshi.


10. Who helped to catch robbers by throwing bricks? 

    Answer: Gurjeevan Singh.


11. What did Rahul, the balloon seller, do? 

    Answer: He helped identify bomb planters.


12. Who saved a woman and her child from drowning? 

    Answer: Vishal Suryaji Patil.


13. When did the tradition of bravery awards begin? 

    Answer: In 1957.


14. What age group is eligible for the Bravery Awards? 

    Answer: Children under 16 years old.


15. Who saved lives during a stampede at Naina Devi temple? 

    Answer: Gaurav Singh Saini.