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Class - 9 
Syllabus - Karnataka state 
Subject - English (3rd Language)
Lesson Notes And Textbook Solutions 

Lesson - 8


Summary of the lesson:

    Krishna visited Kunti to share that his efforts to bring peace had failed. He left with Karna, telling him about his royal lineage and offering him rule over the Pandavas' territories. Karna refused, loyal to his adoptive family and friend Duryodhana.

    Later, Kunti approached Karna, asking him to join the Pandavas, revealing he was her first son. Karna, hurt by her past abandonment, declined, staying loyal to Duryodhana. Kunti pleaded for Karna to spare four Pandavas in battle, and he agreed.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Why was Kunti sad?

Ans.- Kunti was unhappy because of the unavoidable war between the Pandavas and Kauravas.


2. What did Kunti want her sons to do?

Ans.- She wanted them to reclaim their territories through strength and live without depending on charity.


3. Why was Kunti worried?

Ans.- Kunti feared for the lives of respected figures like Bhishma and Drona in the upcoming war.


4. What did Krishna tell Karna to avoid the war?

Ans.- Krishna suggested Karna to claim his rightful place as a Pandava and rule their territories, avoiding the conflict.


5. How is Karna related to Pandavas?

Ans.- Karna is Pandu's eldest son, making him the Pandavas' brother.


6. What is the promise Kunti wanted from Karna?

   - Kunti wished Karna to spare the lives of four of the five Pandavas in the battle.


7. Why did Karna agree to Kunti’s request?

Ans.- Karna couldn't betray Duryodhana, who had stood by him and requested his support.

C2. Answer the following questions in three or four sentences. Discuss the answers with your partner.

1. What did Kunti and Krishna discuss?

Ans.- Kunti and Krishna discussed the situation arising from the failed peace mission with the Kauravas. Krishna suggested that Karna, who was born to Kunti but raised by others, had a rightful claim to rule over the Pandavas' territories. He proposed Karna join the Pandavas, but Karna declined, remaining loyal to Duryodhana.


2. What did Kunti offer and advise Karna?

Ans.-  Kunti asked Karna to join the Pandavas, offering him rule over their territories and urging peace between him and Arjuna, similar to Krishna and Balarama.

3. Why was Karna faithful to Duryodhana?

Ans.-  Karna remained faithful to Duryodhana because of their strong friendship and the support Duryodhana had provided him throughout the years. He couldn't betray this trust, even when faced with the knowledge of his true heritage.


4. Summarize the meeting between Karna and Kunti.

Ans.-  Karna, revealing his true identity as her firstborn. She pleaded with him to join the Pandavas but faced Karna's refusal, as he felt a deep sense of loyalty towards Duryodhana, who had been supportive and stood by him for years. Despite Kunti's emotional plea and offer of peace, Karna remained steadfast in his loyalty to his friend and declined to change sides, promising to spare four of the five Pandavas in battle.


V1. Here are a few words which describe the character of Karna

understanding sacrificing

brave good

great friend

intelligent daring

truthful kind

hearted loving

Use these words and describe Karna in a paragraph.

Karna was a brave and daring individual, a kind-hearted and understanding friend. He was intelligent, truthful, and loving, showing sacrifice and a great sense of loyalty.


V2. Make a list of words that describe the characters given below.

Krishna, Kunti, Duryodhana

List of words that describe the characters  -: loyalty, compassion, concern for the consequences of war, and a sense of duty to their relationships.

Lord Krishna: He is portrayed as a wise and compassionate figure who tries to avoid war by offering Karna his rightful position as the eldest son of King Pandu. Krishna shows understanding and attempts to prevent conflict, yet respects Karna's loyalty to his friend, Duryodhana.


Kunti (Kuntidevi): Kunti is a caring and concerned mother who, fearing the consequences of the impending war, approaches Karna in an effort to prevent it. She expresses her sorrow over Karna's situation, appealing to his sense of lineage and the ties between the Pandavas and Karna.


Duryodhana: Though not directly featured in this excerpt, Duryodhana is Karna's close friend. Karna remains loyal to him, refusing Krishna's offer to rule over the Pandavas' territories, emphasizing his commitment to Duryodhana.


V3. Read the lesson and find the opposites of the words given below. Underline them in the lesson and then write them against the given words. The opposites of the given words are:

Ans -

- shorter x longer

- take x give

- discourage x encourage

- dead x alive

- youngest x oldest

- saddened x cheered

- helpful x unhelpful

- unwillingly x willingly

- support x oppose

- unknown x known

Dictionary Work:

Prakrithi wanted to see a strange insect in the garden but felt afraid alone. She found Sabhana engrossed in books, called her, and together they walked into the garden to observe a peculiar insect caring for five babies.


Phrasal Verbs:

Phrasal Verbs Meanings:

- Take out: to remove something or extract it from a place or position.

- Take off: to leave the ground (especially for an aircraft), or to remove clothing quickly.

- Take over: to assume control or responsibility for something.

- Take into: to consider or include something in decision-making.


- Give up: to stop doing something or to surrender.

- Give out: to distribute or hand out something.

- Give over: to transfer or devote something to someone or something.

- Give off: to emit or release something, often referring to a scent or odor.


- Walk off: to leave a place by walking, often to show disinterest or disapproval.

- Walk in: to enter a place or situation, usually without invitation.

- Walk over: to treat someone unfairly or to defeat easily.

- Walk out: to leave a place or situation suddenly and sometimes in protest.


Paragraph using Phrasal Verbs:

I decided to take out my old toys from the box in the attic. As I opened it, a rush of memories took over my mind. Suddenly, my little sister walked in and asked to play with the toys too. I happily gave over the dolls to her. But then, our dog came bounding in and walked off with one of the toys! We both laughed and chased after him. Meanwhile, our cat, annoyed by the chaos, walked out of the room. As we tried to give out treats to lure the dog back, the smell of the treats gave off a delicious aroma, and our cat came walking back in. Eventually, we all ended up having a fun playtime together.


“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” Henry Ford

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