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KSEEB 5th ENGLISH Prose - 2 True Friendship



CLASS - 5 

Prose - 2

True Friendship

5th Grade English Textbook Solutions (SL) Karnataka State

        Navigating through the 5th-grade English (SL) textbook of the Karnataka State syllabus can be a rewarding journey for both students and educators. This blog post aims to provide a detailed and easy-to-understand guide to the textbook solutions, ensuring a seamless learning experience. We cover each chapter meticulously, offering clear and concise answers to all exercises, comprehension questions, and grammar activities. Our solutions are crafted to enhance understanding, promote critical thinking, and encourage students to express themselves effectively in English. Additionally, we include tips and strategies for tackling common challenges, making learning both fun and effective. Whether you're a student seeking to improve your grades, a parent wanting to assist your child, or an educator looking for reliable resources, our comprehensive guide is your go-to solution for mastering the 5th-grade English syllabus in Karnataka.

Glossary -

Cunning: Clever in a deceitful or tricky way.


Helpful: Willing to assist or provide help.


Angry: Feeling or showing strong annoyance or displeasure.


Understanding: Sympathetic and compassionate towards others.


Bad: Not good; of poor quality or low standard.


Generous: Willing to give more than is usual or expected.


Kind: Having a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.


Rude: Not polite; offensive or ill-mannered.


Sensitive: Quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals, or influences.


Impatient: Unable to wait patiently; restless or eager.


Syracuse: A city in ancient Greece.


Pythias: A name.


Evil-minded: Having bad or cruel thoughts.


Impossible: Something that cannot happen or be done.


Certain: Sure; confident about something.


Fulfil: To do what is hoped for or expected.


Loyalty: The quality of staying firm in friendship and support.


Execution: The act of putting someone to death, usually as a legal punishment.


 V1. Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box:
(delayed, evil-minded, promises, break his word, imprisoned, delighted)

1. Dionysius was an evil-minded ruler.

2. Damon was to be imprisoned until Pythias returned.

3. Pythias faced many dangers while he was returning and was delayed.

4. Damon was sure that his friend would never break his word.

5. Pythias and Damon kept their promises.

 V2. State whether the following statements are true or false. Write ‘T’ for correct and ‘F’ for incorrect sentences in the space provided. Correct and rewrite the incorrect sentences.

1. Damon and Pythias were lovers of truth. ( T )

2. Dionysius was a kind ruler. ( F )

Ans.-   Dionysius was an evil-minded ruler.

3. Damon wanted to settle his family affairs before he died. ( F )

Ans.-   Pythias wanted to settle his family affairs before he died.

4. The king was sure that Pythias would return. ( F )

Ans.-  The king was not sure that Pythias would return.

5. Damon was ready to die for his friend. ( T )

6. Pythias reached in time to save his friend. ( T )


 C1. Answer the following questions:

1. Where did Damon and Pythias live?

Ans.-   Damon and Pythias lived in the city of Syracuse.

2. Who was the ruler of Syracuse?
  The ruler of Syracuse was King Dionysius.

3. Why did the king want to punish Pythias?

Ans.-  The king wanted to punish Pythias because he heard that Pythias had called him cruel and said something against him.

4. What did Pythias wish to fulfill before he died?

Ans.-   Pythias wished to meet his old mother and sister, arrange for his sister’s marriage, and bid goodbye to his mother before he died.

5. What was the condition laid down by the king?

Ans.-  The condition laid down by the king was that Pythias should return by a fixed day and hour. If he did not return in time, his friend Damon would have to die instead of him.

6. Why was Pythias delayed while returning?

Ans.-  Pythias was delayed while returning because he had to face many dangers on his way back to Syracuse.

7. What did both the friends argue over?
  Both friends argued over who should take the punishment and be hanged.

8. Why did the king set both of them free?

Ans.-   The king set both of them free because he was impressed by their true friendship and their loyalty to each other.

 C2. Discuss with your friends the following questions and answer each of them in four to six sentences.

1. How do you know that Damon and Pythias were good friends? Give some examples from the story.

Ans.-  Damon and Pythias were good friends because they were willing to sacrifice their lives for each other. For instance, Damon offered to stay in the king’s custody and face the death penalty if Pythias did not return in time. Pythias, despite facing many dangers, hurried back to Syracuse to save his friend. Their willingness to die for one another shows their strong bond and loyalty.

2. What made the king change his decision at the end?

Ans.-  The king changed his decision at the end because he was deeply moved by the true friendship and loyalty between Damon and Pythias. He had never seen such a strong and sincere friendship and was happy to know that such a bond existed. Their actions demonstrated the power of true friendship, leading the king to set them both free.

 Language Exercises
 L1. Discuss in pairs and fill in the table with the things that you find in your house. One is done for

opposite words based on the lesson:

1. Cunning- Honest / Sincere

2. Helpful - Unhelpful / Selfish

3. Angry - Calm / Peaceful

4. Understanding - Ignorant / Uncaring

5. Bad - Good

6. Generous - Stingy / Selfish

7. Kind - Cruel / Unkind

8. Rude - Polite / Courteous

9. Sensitive- Insensitive / Indifferent

10. Impatient - Patient / Calm

These words relate to the qualities of good friendship and character, as depicted in the story of Damon and Pythias.

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