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KSEEB 5th ENGLISH Poetry Prose -3 The Child Who Saved the Forest



CLASS - 5 

Unit - 3:

Prose - The Child Who Saved the Forest

5th Grade English Textbook Solutions (SL) Karnataka State

        Navigating through the 5th-grade English (SL) textbook of the Karnataka State syllabus can be a rewarding journey for both students and educators. This blog post aims to provide a detailed and easy-to-understand guide to the textbook solutions, ensuring a seamless learning experience. We cover each chapter meticulously, offering clear and concise answers to all exercises, comprehension questions, and grammar activities. Our solutions are crafted to enhance understanding, promote critical thinking, and encourage students to express themselves effectively in English. Additionally, we include tips and strategies for tackling common challenges, making learning both fun and effective. Whether you're a student seeking to improve your grades, a parent wanting to assist your child, or an educator looking for reliable resources, our comprehensive guide is your go-to solution for mastering the 5th-grade English syllabus in Karnataka.


Warm-up Activity
Task 1: Form a big circle. Start running in the circle. The teacher will say the name of an animal. If it is the name of a wild animal clap twice, if it is the name of a domestic animal clap once.

Task 2: Discuss in pairs how forests are useful to us. Later, mention at least two things that forests give us under each category. One has been done for you.
- a) Food items: fruits, nuts, berries
- b) Shelter to animals: dens, nests, burrows
- c) Fuel / other things: firewood, medicinal plants, timber


V1 Find one word for each of the following from the lesson.
1. A place where wild animals live: den
2. A thing or person liked very much: favourite
3. To come back: return
4. To write back: reply
5. Where there is no danger: safe

V2 Rearrange the letters to get names of different trees.
1. k a o:     oak
2. b b o a m o:     bamboo
3. m a l p:     palm
4. m e n e:     neem
5. e p i n:     pine
6. u c a e p y l t u s:     eucalyptus


C1 Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each.
1. Where did Prem and his family live?
Ans.-  - Prem and his family lived in a small village near Bandipur forest.

2. Why was Prem sad?
Ans.-  - Prem was sad because he heard that many trees in the forest would be cut down, which would leave the animals and birds without a home.

3. What did Prem and his friend Nasrin do to solve the problem?
Ans.-  - Prem and Nasrin decided to approach the authorities to stop the cutting down of trees. They gathered signatures from the local community and sent a letter to the President of Gramasabha.

4. Whom did they write the letter to?
Ans.- They wrote the letter to the President of Gramasabha.

5. What was the complaint about?
Ans.- The complaint was about stopping the cutting down of trees in the forest.

6. Who signed the complaint?
Ans.-  - Prem, his parents, their friends, and people from the local community and nearby villages signed the complaint.

7. What did the president of gramsabha write back to Prem?
Ans.-  - The president of Gramasabha wrote back that they appreciated Prem's love for nature and decided not to cut down the trees in the forest, ensuring the safety of the plants, animals, and birds.

C2 Discuss with your friends and answer the following questions in four to six sentences each.
1. Describe Prem’s love for the forest and the animals.
Ans.-  - Prem had a deep affection for the forest and its inhabitants. He enjoyed taking evening walks in the forest and became friendly with the animals and birds. His concern for their well-being when he heard about the trees being cut shows his genuine love and care for nature.

2. How did the president of gramsabha praise Prem?
Ans.-  - The president of Gramasabha praised Prem by acknowledging his love for nature and expressing happiness over his concern for the forest. The president assured Prem that the trees would not be cut down, highlighting the positive impact of Prem's efforts.

3. What do you learn from this lesson?
Ans.-  - This lesson teaches the importance of caring for nature and standing up for what we believe in. It shows how even young individuals can make a significant difference by taking action and working together with their community. The story emphasizes the value of persistence and the power of collective effort.

Language Exercises

L1 Give the plural forms of the following words.
1. deer - deer
2. forest - forests
3. friend - friends
4. authority - authorities
5. community - communities

L2 Rewrite the following sentences using plural forms of the underlined words. Observe the change in the words.

1. Where will the animal go if there are no trees?
Ans.- Where will the animals go if there are no trees?

2. The deer came sprinting towards him.

Ans.- The deers came sprinting towards them.

3. I have good habits.

Ans.- We have good habits.

4. The community that lived near the forest signed it.

Ans.- The communities that lived near the forests signed it.

5. I appreciate your love for animal and bird.

Ans.- We appreciate your love for animals and birds.

L3 It’s speaking time.
Sit in pairs and discuss your favourite animal and why you like it.
- Example: My favourite animal is the lion. It is the king of the forest...

L4 Speech sounds
Listen to your teacher not pronouncing some letters in the given words. Such letters are silent letters.
Ans.-  - Examples: iron, should, could, would, know, knife, knee, comb.
- Silent Letters:
- Iron: r
- Should: l
- Could: l
- Would: l
- Know: k
- Knife: k
- Knee: k
- Comb: b

- More Words with Silent Letters:
- Silent 'h': honest, hour
- Silent 'k': knight, knot
- Silent 'w': write, wrist
- Silent 'g': gnaw, gnome
- Silent 'b': thumb, debt

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