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CLASS - 5 

PART - 2 

Unit - 6:


Warm-up Activity:

Task B: You must have seen your mother and father work at home and outside. They work hard from morning till night. Make a list of the work each one does.





cuts grass

ploughs the field


cooks meals

repairs tools


cleans the house

tends to livestock


manages household finances

maintains vehicles


cares for children

buys supplies

   Words to Know:
1. Lazy : Not wanting to work.
2. Responsible : Able to handle tasks and duties.
3. Realise : To understand something.
4. Labour : Hard physical work.
5. Scare : To frighten.
6. Melt : To soften emotionally.
7. Wisdom : Knowledge gained through experience.
8. Supper : A meal eaten in the evening.
9. Accept : To agree or take something.
10. Tremble : To shake due to fear or exhaustion.
11. Ache : To feel pain.
12. Rashes : Red spots on the skin caused by irritation.


V1 Write the other genders of the words underlined, and complete the sentences.

1. Raju’s father and mother went to the market.
2. My uncle and aunt came to our house.
3. My grandfather and grandmother go for a walk.
4. Boys and girls play in the playground.
5. The wife was cool and calm but her husband was tensed.

  V2: Match the following:
1. Businessman – Rich
2. Mother – Gold coin
3. Sister – One rupee
4. Son – Lazy
5. Shopkeeper – Two rupees

V3 Some words are given below. They refer to the father and the son in the lesson. Select the appropriate words and write them in the right column:

scared lazy wise guess tears sweat happy rashes strict ache value of hard work   promised

- Wise
- Strict
- Guessed
- Happy
- Value of hard work
- Lazy
- Scared
- Tears
- Sweat
- Rashes
- Promised
Comprehension (C1):
1. What kind of a boy was the businessman’s son?
Ans. - 
The businessman’s son was lazy and didn’t like doing any work.

2. What did the businessman tell his son?
Ans. - 
The businessman told his son to go out and earn something, or he wouldn’t be given food that night.

3. Why did the mother give her son a gold coin?
Ans. - 
The mother gave her son a gold coin because she felt sorry for him when he cried.

4. What did the father ask the son to do with the coins?
Ans. - 
The father asked the son to throw the coins into the well.

5. Why did the son go to the market?
Ans. - 
The son went to the market because there was no one left to help him, and he needed to earn money.

6. How did he earn two rupees?
Ans. - 
He earned two rupees by carrying a shopkeeper’s bag to his house.
7. Why was the boy not ready to throw the two-rupee coin into the well?
Ans. - 
The boy wasn’t ready to throw the coin because he had earned it with hard work and his body was aching.

Comprehension (C2):

1. Describe the attitude of the boy towards work.
-At first, the boy didn't like working and was lazy. He depended on others  
for money. But after working hard and earning  money himself, he understood the importance of hard work  and decided not to be lazy anymore.

2. “…you are asking me to throw my hard-earned money into the well!” Explain the feelings of the boy when he said this.
Ans. -  The boy felt sad and hurt because he had worked hard and  earned the 
money. Throwing it away felt unfair and painful because  it represented his effort and determination.

   Language Exercises (L1):
a) Write the short forms for the following:
- Has not – Hasn't
- Are not – Aren't
- Have not – Haven't
- They are – They're
- I will – I'll

b) Write the full forms for the following:
- Weren’t – Were not
- Doesn’t – Does not
- I’ve – I have
- What’s – What is
- She’ll – She will

Opposite Words:
1. Lazy  – Hard-working
2. Responsible  – Irresponsible
3. Realise  – Ignore
4. Scare  – Calm
5. Melt  – Harden
6. Wisdom  – Foolishness
7. Accept  – Refuse
8. Tremble  – Steady
9. Ache  – Comfort
10. Rashes  – Clear skin

1. Coin – Coins
2. Son – Sons
3. Father – Fathers
4. Shopkeeper – Shopkeepers
5. Rupee – Rupees

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